High Risk High Reward LIVE DEMOS!

With the help of all my fellow Penguins (Benguins too!) in The Tigloo (you know who you are!) I attempted a High Risk High Reward demo at our CHD meeting yesterday, while I was IN CALL!

AND IT WAS SO WORTH IT! Cool technology with CART2D2 (C2D2 for short) from myprevious post and … well, just some photos for now of the setup as I am working on documentation on how to set up C2D2 for mobile broadcasting and recording! SO COOL! TAK TAK PENGS!!!!

Instructor Station - Source of Video
                                                              Instructor Station – Source of Video
Side View of Setup
                                                                              Side View of Setup
Behind View of Setup
                                                                            Behind View of Setup
Back View Other Side
                                                                        Back View Other Side
Student View of Screen
                                                                         Student View of Screen
Instructor Vantage Point
                                                                         Instructor Vantage Point