Above is the original video, shot from my iPhone SE, but with a twist. The original video is just me, slightly pushing C2D2 down the lower hallway, AWAY from myself, slowly. It took a few takes to get it to go relatively straight, and of course, slowly and safely!
I imported it into Photos like a normal media clip. Then exported to the desktop of my iMac. Then I imported it into Final Cut Pro, edited out a few seconds at the beginning and end and then … used a built in FCP feature to ‘Reverse Clip‘ the video! Really, only a couple of clicks and it looks like C2D2 is coming … towards me under its own power! The only real ‘giveaway’ is if you listen real close, you might hear the tell tale sounds of a .. reverse clip audio effect!

Then I converted the new ‘reversed‘ MOVIE clip to a GIF using my favourite website, EZGIF.com! The result is above!
Then I added text with … you guessed it … EZGIF.com again! NOW it looks like I am using ‘The Force‘ to bring C2D2 towards myself!

Then for even more editing, I cropped the GIF to get rid of the black borders and then resized it 150% too! And yeah, EZGIF.com again! See below!