I Excel at PowerPoint
. . . or . . .
Computer Puns and Jokes

I don’t know who you are or why you stole my copy of Microsoft Office …. but I will find you. You have my .. WORD! I hope I have ‘Taken‘ your attention away from whatever you were doing! Just when you thought it was safe to blog again … COMPUTER PUNS AND JOKES!

I always try to sneak in jokes, puns or riddles into many of my CALL Facility orientations and handouts too! I once included ‘Klingon‘ in a handout of languages that The CALL Facility had resources for! And it is still at ZOHO!

And then UVic goes and offers a course in Alien Languages (Klingon & Sindarin!)! That makes me a soothsayer! I wonder if that means a pay raise or not! My guess …. NOT!
And more ‘Product Placement’ as I posted a previous Bog Blog about … Puns titled ‘When is a Door Not a Door? When it is a Jar“!!
The best part of puns are when they are impromptu and happen instantly! All too often, my eyes widen or roll about and that is an early warning system for colleagues … PUN ALERT! PUN ALERT! People know me all too well! I would be horrible at poker! LOL!
I found one site where a computer was programmed to CALCULATE the funniest puns and it came up with the following….. and …. yeah, NO! Even I have lines I do not cross … and they are often … lines of code! LOL!
I often say that if I am having fun, then the students are having fun too! There is so much stress nowadays that humour IS good medicine! I won’t bother telling you my absolutely favourite jokes and puns other than …
… it is always my NEXT ONE!
Some interesting links to tickle your funny bone, or perhaps, seek medical attention afterwards!
- XKCD – A Webcomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math, and Language
- Explain XKCD Wiki
- 25 Computer Puns That Will LAN You In A Pool Of Laughter
- Computer Puns
- ComĀputer Jokes
- Puns about Technology (Misc. Computer Puns)
- Fourteen Computer Puns That Only Tech Heads Will Understand
- 10 Computer Geek Jokes and Truisms
- A Computer Made a List of the 5 Funniest Puns it Knows
- Computer Programming Puns
- 55+ Best Computer Puns
As long as there are words out there, there will be interesting topics!
30 Awful Computer Puns
(in Less Than 2 Minutes)
31 Jokes for Nerds