Video Gallery – ASRI Lectures 2021


* videos have been edited from the original Zoom recording

“COMPASS – Lobbying and Compassion: Interest groups, Discourse and Nonhuman Animals”

Lecture by Núria Almiron, PhD

November 17, 2021 (Via Zoom webinar)

“The Ethics, Politics, and Ecologies of Farming Animals in Multicultural Societies: Insights from India?”

Lecture by Krithika Srinivasan, PhD
Senior Lecturer, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh
October 20, 2021 (Via Zoom webinar)

“How Can We End Animal Testing and Better Human Health?”

Lecture by Aysha Akhtar, M.D., M.P.H.
President and CEO, Center for Contemporary Sciences
September 15, 2021 (Via Zoom webinar)

“Animating Caste: Visceral Geographies of Pigs, Caste, and Violent Nationalisms in Chennai City”

Lecture by Yamini Narayanan, PhD
Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
March 16, 2021 (Via Zoom webinar)

“Running with Horses: Reflections on the Psychology of Speciesism”

Lecture by Lynne Jackson, PhD
Professor, Psychology,
King’s University College, University of Western Ontario
February 16, 2021 (Via Zoom webinar)

“Alien Athena: Reclaiming Our Posthuman Past”

Lecture by Stefan Dolgert, PhD
Associate Professor, Political Science, Brock University
January 19, 2021 (Via Zoom webinar)

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