Drop-in and discussion session Working in Academia and Other Possibilities
Zoom link: https://uvic.zoom.us/j/88522960727?pwd=YjhrNDdsSWdpQmRLZWhodWsxSERMZz09
Drop-in and discussion session Graduate Research Design: Narrowing ideas to a question and planning for feasibility
Zoom link: https://uvic.zoom.us/j/89146414175
Drop-in and discussion session Publishing in Journals
Zoom link: https://uvic.zoom.us/j/88522960727?pwd=YjhrNDdsSWdpQmRLZWhodWsxSERMZz09
Drop-in and discussion session Grant Writing
All graduate students of the faculty of education are invited to join this drop-in and discussion session. The first half of the session is spent meeting other grad students, checking-in, discussing program and/or research happenings. The second half is spent discussing grant writing with a couple of invited guests who will share their experiences and advice. Also, Pia Russell is available for drop-ins with Education graduate students in Mac A555 on Thursdays from 2-3 in Oct and Nov.