Join a Stream Team and make connections you will never forget

Join a Stream Team and make connections you will never forget

Residents in the Xwulqw’selu watershed are teaming up to monitor the flow of water in local streams this summer.   Could this be you?   Connect with the place you call home. Connect with other people and enjoy visiting the watershed together. Connect with water...
Making Connections on World Rivers Day

Making Connections on World Rivers Day

Connections are at the heart of what we do.  In celebration of World Rivers Day – held annually on the fourth Sunday in September – we gathered at Bright Angel Park in the forest above the Xwulqw’selu Sta’lo’ (Koksilah River) to connect with people, plants, and...
2021 field season starting…

2021 field season starting…

August 1st-7, 2021 First week of community monitoring begins!!! Our volunteers have committed to monitoring sites once a week for the next six weeks. Stay tuned for what we learn about the groundwater contribution into the lower watershed tributaries!!