On-line Office Ergonomics Course

On-line Office Ergonomics Course

On-line Office Ergonomics Course We are  excited to announce that we are launching a new on-line Ergonomics course in Course Spaces!  Employees will no longer have to wait for in-class sessions and will be able to  take the online course in full or in...
Gender Diversity

Gender Diversity

Everyone plays a part in promoting and supporting an inclusive workplace. Employees, supervisors and managers have a shared responsibility to promote the dignity and respect of transgender, non-binary and Two-Spirit employees. As part of building a safe and validating...
New Employee

New Employee

Starting a new job can be overwhelming. In addition to the onboarding your manager arranges for you we have, resources to help familiarize you with the university and, supports you may need. Resources and tools to support you:   New Employee Welcome The New...
Financial Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing

We can all use a little help understanding and managing finances. Financial wellness is a “state” of wealth for individuals or families, irrespective of income levels. It includes your objective state of wealth, your behaviours as they relate to your state...