There are several ways that you can be notified of an emergency in our region. Visit this webpage for further links to available municipal notification services. As well, you can sign up for tsunami notification emails at this link


The main university campus sits is well above the tsunami inundation zone. This page provides some information on tsunami, including further links:

Visit your local municipal emergency planning website for information specific to where you live.

This regional link maybe of interest:

This is the link to the regional tsunami inundation map:

Note that the vast majority of people in the region live outside the tsunami inundation zone. 

The best advice in the urban area of greater Victoria is this:

If you feel an earthquake that seems to go on for a long time, or you feel an earthquake that is strong (e.g. it is difficult to stand) assume that a tsunami has been created and move to higher ground. The earthquake is your best warning – do not wait for other warnings to reach you if these conditions are met. In this region this usually means moving inland one to two blocks away from the ocean. The goal is to seek elevation, rather than horizontal distance. Listen to all instructions and advice from the local officials where you are.

If you are traveling learn what the local tsunami risk profile is and any specific guidance that exists in that area. Instructions in other communities can be different from those in this region.

To learn more on how to be prepared, see below for registration information for an upcoming workshop:

Emergency Preparedness Workshop ( 1.5 hours)

This session looks at what you, as an individual can do to be prepared at home and in the workplace.   Open to anyone from the University community.

Upcoming dates:

February 20           10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
March 14               1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

For more information on emergency preparedness visit this page.