After months of planning and imagining the vacation of your dreams, the time has finally arrived. You should feel relaxed, calm and on top of the world. Instead you feel restless and can’t seem to untwist the knot of tension in your stomach. But relaxing on your vacation doesn’t have to be hard work. The tips below will help you on your quest to chill out, unwind and recharge during your retreat from the working world.

  • Plan ahead at work. Tie up loose ends, finish projects (where possible) and brief co-workers on any expectant calls or clients they’ll need to manage while you’re away. Leaving with a clean slate will help you stay focused on your vacation assignment: to rest and recharge.
  • Stick to your budget. Remind yourself that impulse buys and unnecessary splurges reverse the relaxing effects of your vacation if you’re forced to face credit card bills and over-drawn accounts when you return home.
  • Be realistic. Don’t expect everything to change while you’re on vacation. If you’re having relationship problems with your partner or kids at home, they’re probably not going to dissolve the minute you start your holiday.
  • Choose a vacation spot that has something for everyone. Lying on the beach with a book may seem great to you and absolutely boring to your kids. Talk about holiday plans ahead of time and find out what kind of activities each family member wants to do so that they can pursue their own interests for at least some of the trip.
  • Find balance. The best trips allow for solitude and time together. They combine a healthy dose of rest with a dash of activity and blend comfort with excitement.
  • Don’t miss the boat! When you’re traveling, be sure to factor in time for delays (subway slowdowns, traffic jams, security checks etc.) to catch trains, flights or buses. Nothing is more stressful than missing your ride out of town.

Your vacation should be a time of relaxation, excitement and fun. Make sure you and your loved ones take the time to step back and soak in the moment. In doing so, you’ll create lasting memories you can enjoy for a lifetime.
