October 1-7 is Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW)!

The first week of October brings with it the reminder that millions of Canadians live with mental illnesses every day.

Oct 1-7 is Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW), an annual national public education campaign coordinated by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH). CAMIMH’s mandate is to ensure that mental illness and mental health are placed on the national agenda so that Canadians receive appropriate access to care and support.

Let’s support Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW)!

Resources and tools to support you:

We all have mental health and our positive sense of mental well-being is unique to us. On this page we have compiled a number of resources and tools to assist you to find the right resources to help your mental health.


Download a copy of our Mental Health and Wellbeing Reference Guide.

Course: Mental Health for Managers

Date: October 3, 2017

Course description: We all have mental health and our positive sense of mental well-being is unique to us. This course is intended for managers and supervisors to provide them with tools and information to manage mental health issues in the workplace. In this course you will learn about psychological health and safety standards, early recognition and intervention, how to support an employee, and stigma in the workplace. Register here

Employee and Family Assistance Program

Our Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provider has launched a new online, issue-focused microsite,
Mental Illness: Discovery to recovery.

This microsite features new resources that will shed some light on the journey and what one may experience and expect to face from discovery of to recovery from mental illness.

Visit, learn and share with your family and friends today:
