We can all use a little help understanding and managing finances.

Financial wellness is a “state” of wealth for individuals or families, irrespective of income levels. It includes your objective state of wealth, your behaviours as they relate to your state of wealth, your subjective perception of your state of wealth and your satisfaction with your state of wealth.

Resources and tools to support you:

Financial Education Seminars

The next seminar will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 from 5:00 to 8:30 pm.  Click here to register.

These seminars are for all regular employees wherever you are in your career path, to help you improve your financial roadmap and achieve your financial goals, whatever they may be.

At the sessions, Aon Hewitt – highly-qualified, independent financial planning specialists will speak about:

  • Tax strategies to build up your wealth, including RRSP’s and TFSA’s
  • Tools to set and work towards an income target, including home purchase, retirement, etc.
  • Effective strategies to manage your assets
  • This session will not provide information on the UVic pension plan
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Remember – partners and spouses are welcome!  If you have any questions, please email planningahead@uvic.ca

Employee and Family Assistance Program

Financial Support Services – Connect for confidential support or to learn more about educational articles, resources and tools to support you in achieving financial well-being.

For immediate assistance, contact us at 1.800.387.4765 or visit workhealthlife.com.

Online Learning – Lynda.com

Lynda.com is an online platform with thousands of instructional videos and courses. Each course has multiple segments so you can watch as few or as many as you want. All UVic employees have access to Lynda.com at no fee.

The service includes a number of Financial Wellbeing videos and courses for you to explore. A few samples include:

Setting your financial goals https://www.lynda.com/Business-Skills-tutorials/Setting-Your-Financial-Goals/178136-2.html?org=uvic.ca