Join Vikes Nation as we partner with the Mental Health Initiative at the University of Victoria to bring you the first ever CAMPUS WIDE COLOUR FUN RUN! Absolutely FREE and open to students and community members.

We’re bringing in thousands of colour packets that YOU will get to launch at each other, get messy and have fun (oh and did we mention, it’s ABSOLUTELY FREE)!

Thanks to our event sponsors My Open Road and Muscle MLK as well as our campus partners the UVic Mental Health Initiative, UVSS, and Exercise is Medicine for helping make this event possible!

Please register at the sub lawn for 1PM. We’ll be getting coloured up and ready to run by 1:30PM. Once we’re done with the colour festival in residence, we’ll run around the quad and down to caddy bay where there will be music, food and drinks!

We’ll also have bonus booths hosted by the Mental Health Initiative where you can earn more colour!

WEAR WHITE and get ready to get COLOURFUL!

FB Event Link: