As a key component of the university’s Student Mental Health Strategy, new training opportunities on student mental health are being offered through the UVic Student Mental Health Literacy Program (SMHLP) for faculty, sessional instructors, teaching assistants, and staff. The program will provide faculty and staff with dedicated training on key areas in support of student mental health such as how to:

  • recognize early warning signs for students experiencing difficulties;
  • recognize when a student may be in distress;
  • support and refer students who are at-risk or in distress; and
  • refer students in distress or in crisis to campus resources.

Mental health literacy training will be provided in three levels:

  • Level one will provide participants with basic training in mental health awareness and response and ensure faculty and staff have the information they need to consistently and effectively identify, respond to and refer a student to appropriate resources.
  • Level two will provide more detailed information, tools, scenarios and case studies and will be geared to groups of faculty and staff who more frequently respond to students in distress.
  • Level three will provide advance training in mental health concerns for selected groups of faculty and staff who work in areas that regularly respond to students in distress including training on supporting students in crisis, emergency protocols, and suicide intervention.

The mental health literacy training program supports faculty and staff in assisting students with mental health concerns earlier so that students will have better opportunities to be successful and thrive personally and academically.

Upcoming training dates

Level One – Open sessions for faculty and staff (no registration required)

Tuesday January 17, 2017
3:00pm – 4:20pm | MAC D103

Wednesday February 01, 2017
12:00pm – 1:00pm | CLE D134

Wednesday February 22, 2017
3:00pm – 4:20pm | CLE C110

Tuesday March 07, 2017
12:00pm – 1:00pm | CLE D134

Level One training on student mental health will provide participants with basic training in mental health awareness and response while assisting faculty and staff with how to effectively identify, respond to and refer a student with mental health concerns to appropriate resources.

Level Two – Open sessions for faculty and staff (no registration required)

No level two open sessions currently scheduled. If you are interested in a session please contact .

Level Two training is designed to further assist faculty and staff in learning more in-depth skills for supporting students who have concerns about coping as well as students across the spectrum of mental health concerns. Level two will provide more detailed information, tools, scenarios and case studies, and opportunities to practice using the tools.

All sessions will be delivered by a mental health training specialist with significant experience working with youth and students with mental health issues. A wide range of dates and times are available throughout the fall 2015 term for unit specific sessions. If you are interested in scheduling a level one, two, or three training session for your unit, please contact .

If you have any additional questions about the SMHLP, please contact Dawn Schell at .

For more information on the University’s Student Mental Health Strategy, please visit