In January 2017, MSP premium structures and the Regular Premium Assistance program are changing. As a result, more British Columbians will be eligible for assistance with their MSP premiums.

  1. There will be no premiums for children under 19 years of age or fulltime student dependents.
  • MSP premium rates will be determined by the number of adults on an MSP account (the MSP account holder and, if applicable, a spouse).
  • The MSP premium rate for two adults will be twice the amount of the single adult rate.

UVic is identifying all children dependents including eligible fulltime students and will update employee records automatically. No action is required from the employee.

  1. Premium Assistance will be available to those whose adjusted net income is up to $42,000 (an increase from the current $30,000).

Premium Assistance offers several levels of subsidies. This is based on an individual’s net income (or a couple’s combined net income) for the preceding tax year, less deductions for age, family size, disability and any reported Universal Child Care Benefit and Registered Disability Savings Plan Income. The resulting amount is referred to as “adjusted net income”.

  • You can apply now for Regular Premium Assistance using your 2015 adjusted net income. Even if you don’t qualify for 2016, your application will be kept on file and the new rates will be automatically adjusted on Jan. 1, 2017.
  • To apply for premium assistance, you need to complete an Application for Regular Premium Assistance and return it to the Benefits Office, located in B128 of the Sedgewick Building. We will add the University group plan number and forward to MSP on your behalf.
  • One-time application means you don’t have to re-apply in future years.
  • Link to Premium Assistance form:

To verify eligibility, each person who applies for Regular Premium Assistance authorizes the Canada Revenue Agency to release income information to the Ministry of Health and/or Health Insurance BC from the person’s tax returns. Verification takes place each year and, where appropriate, MSP adjusts the monthly premium of beneficiaries upward or downward based on the information received about your net income and, if applicable, that of your spouse from CRA.

  • In order to continue receiving premium assistance, MSP needs you to file an income tax return each year.


Monthly MSP Premiums Effective January 1, 2017:

Adjusted Net Income One Adult Two Adults
in a Family
$0 – $24,000 $0.00 $0.00
$24,001 – $26,000 $11.00 $22.00
$26,001 – $28,000 $23.00 $46.00
$28,001 – $30,000 $35.00 $70.00
$30,001 – $34,000 $46.00 $92.00
$34,001 – $38,000 $56.00 $112.00
$38,001 – $42,000 $65.00 $130.00
Over $42,000 $75.00 $150.00






Medical Services Plan of BC


Canada Revenue Agency


UVic Benefits Office