What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness involves having a non-judgemental, inviting awareness of the present moment.

Our minds are constantly time-travelling, mulling over things that have happened in the past and planning things in the future.

Mindfulness highlights the fact that we only exist in the present moment and that instead of always dwelling in the past or future, it is important to take the time to fully experience our current reality and check in with what’s going on in our minds right now.

Sometimes our thoughts or feelings may scare, anger or embarrass us so we screen them out.

Mindfulness involves letting anything and everything we experience drift through consciousness and simply noticing and accepting each one as a part of us at that moment, without categorizing, evaluating or judging

The Benefits of Mindfulness

  • A better understanding of yourself
  • Being more at peace with yourself, not constantly fighting the thoughts & feelings that emerge
  • Being more relaxed, you now have a coping strategy for almost any situation

How Do We Become More Mindful?

Reflecting / being mindful is something we all do, just to different extents.
Try these relaxation and breathing exercises to boost your abilities in this area.

For more mindfulness tools and self-help programs please visit: https://laww.silvercloudhealth.com/mindfulness/