Any Bonnie fans out there?

Joanna models her Henry t-shirt
A few surprising things have come out of this pandemic. Not the least of which is public health officials gaining rock star status.
BC’s Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has gained thousands of fans with her confident, calm and kind approach to the pandemic.
Two of those fans had an idea—a Bonnie Henry t-shirt fundraiser.
Joanna Witham, who works in Donor Relations at UVic, developed the shirts with her neighbour. The idea came to them during one of their daily physically distant chats. “We wanted to our show appreciation for Dr. Henry, and celebrate the amazing female leader she has proven to be.”
The duo thought they would sell shirts to just friends and family. But word spread and they sold out the first batch of 200. And now the tally is over 1,200. All proceeds (over $15,000 so far) go to the Rainbow Kitchen. The community non-profit has seen an increased need for its services.
Check out the feature CTV did on the project and purchase your very own Dr. Bonnie Henry shirt.