Teira Howden-Gareau, Honours BA (2023)
- Teira is the SWell lab manager and a community support worker in Victoria
- Honours Thesis: “A Qualitative Analysis of Weight Stigma in Mental Health Trainees’
Client Case Conceptualizations”
Hannah Dupuis, Honours BA (2021)
- Hannah is a PhD student at Simon Fraser University
- Honours Thesis: “Examining the Role of Gender Role Stress and Self-Esteem in the Unequal Division of Domestic Labour During COVID-19”
Alexandra N. Fisher, PhD (2020)
- Alex is a post-doctoral fellow in Australia
- PhD Dissertation: “All the lonely people: A belongingness perspective on the stigmatization and well-being of single people.”
- MSc thesis: “For richer or for poorer: How financial resources affect women’s mate value.”
Anastasja Kalajdzic, MSc (2020)
- Ana is a research analyst in Alberta
- MSc Thesis: “A qualitative analysis of female breadwinner representations in the media.”
MacKenzie Robertson, MSc (2019)
- MacKenzie is a mental health coordinator in Scotland
- MSc Thesis: “Dieting also starves romantic relationships: The association between dieting and romantic relationship quality.”
Annie MacIntosh, Honours BA (2019).
- Annie is a content creator and marketer in Vancouver
- Honours Thesis: “Examining perceptions of costs and benefits in female breadwinner relationships.”
Ella Huber, Honours BA (2018)
- Ella is a researcher and knowledge mobilization expert in women’s health, working in Victoria
- Honours thesis: “Testing a self-and-social bonds model of health for individuals recovering from alcohol and substance use concerns.”
Eric T. Huang, PhD (2016)
- Eric is a analyst working for the BC Provincial Government in Vancouver
- PhD Dissertation: “Self-esteem and the relation between arousal and relationship-initiation motivation.”
- MSc thesis: “The tell-tale heart: Self-esteem and physiological responses to social feedback.”
Lisa B. Hoplock, PhD (2016)
- Lisa is a user experience (UX) researcher for Big Tech in Winnipeg
- PhD Dissertation: ‘Will she say yes? A content analysis of accepted and rejected marriage proposals.”
- MSc Thesis: “Verifying relational value: The moderating role of self-esteem in seeking self-verifying feedback.”
Theresa H. He, MSc (2015)
- Theresa is a analyst working for the BC Provincial Government in Vancouver
- MSc Thesis: “The art of persuasion: Self-esteem, message framing, and the persuasiveness of prosocial messages.”
Chantele Joordens, MSc (2013)
- Chantele works in finance and real-estate in Nova Scotia
- MSc Thesis: “Does perceived mismatch in attractiveness between members of a romantic couple activate mating-motivated perception?”
Leah Robbins, Honours BA (2013)
- Honours Thesis: “Who likes Angelina Jolie? Effects of self-esteem and relationship threat on acceptance of mate poaching.”
Brandon St. Pierre, Honours BSc (2011)
- Brandon is a lawyer in Vancouver
- Honours Thesis: “Can a compliment tire you out? Self-esteem and reactions to social feedback.”