

Mailing address:

University of Victoria Dept. Biochemistry & Microbiology PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2 Canada

If you are interested in pursuing Graduate studies in our laboratory, please first ensure you meet the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology’s eligibility requirements. Then, please email Dr. Reynolds and include in your email an up-to-date CV and your undergraduate degree transcripts. Please include in your email an explanation of why specifically you are interested in our area of research focus and in potentially joining our team, what prior research experience you have, and what your ideal start date would be.

We are always interested in hearing from Undergraduates who are interested in getting involved in our research. We do take UVic Research Experience students, Directed Studies students, Honours Thesis students and Co-op students, when we have the space/capacity to do so. If you are interested, please email Dr. Reynolds and include in your email and up-to-date CV and your undergraduate degree transcripts so far (unofficial is fine). Please include in your email a brief explanation in why you are interested in our research and potentially joining our team, what prior research experience you have (if any), and what position and semester you would be available for.