Health Monitoring System

In-Situ Water quality monitoring system

 The Internet of things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that have evolved into a network of devices such as smartphones, cameras, etc. for homes and vehicles that all are connected, communicating, and sharing information. A sensor is a device that receives a signal (physical, chemical, or biological) and converts it into an electric signal output such as current or voltage.  In this system, I have added pH and temperature optical sensors for indicative monitoring of algal blooms, and the reading is taken twice a day (12-hour intervals). The HOBOlink wifi data logger

FIg. In-Situ Water Monitoring System

Satellite Imaging

The satellite imaging could be used for profiling Elk Lake and the variation in lake color indicates the presence of algal bloom. I have used to access the satellite imaging of Elk Lake. Its advantage is that it is free of cost but the satellite imaging of the location is not daily.

FIg. Satellite imaging of Elk Lake

The detailed analysis of the indicative parameters would be done by using the in-situ monitoring and then for identifying the Chl-a, satellite imaging of the same day would be taken. After taking and matching a immense number of images we would be able to create a color profile chart that could be used for the prediction of HAB in Elk Lake.  An algorithm which compiles the data from in in-situ monitoring and satellite imaging could be used to obtain a simple warning system that could be accessed by going to the weblink.