Courses I teach at UVic


PSYC 577: Cognition and Brain Sciences Seminar

Meets Fridays from 3:00 top 4:30 from beginning of September 2020  to early May 2021. Most seminar sessions focus on a presentation by a UVic grad student, postdoc, or faculty member, or by a researcher from another university. Grad students in the Cognition and Brian Science Program are expected to register in this year-long, 1.5 unit course (up to max of 9 units). Grad students in other program can email me requesting permission to register.  Students registered in the course are expected not only to attend the sessions but to participate in them. Participation entails making at least one seminar presentation but also regularly asking questions/comments/suggestions. Grading is pass/fail but passing requires active participation. CaBSSem sessions are open to the university community and regularly attract a good-sized audience.

Michael Willden’s PPT slides on AI

Schedule and Zoom link here.

Mike Masson paper on Bayesian credible intervals,


Most semester I teach PSYC 201 (Research Methods in Psychology).  I have also taught PSYC 100A Intro, sciency), PSYC 191 (special topics: eyewitness memory), PSYC 351A (Cognitive survey course), PSYC 451 (Cognitive seminar), and PSYC 492 (Honours Seminar, which is super fun!).