Committee Members & Organizers

This project would not be possible without the incredible community members, survivors, and caregivers who participated in the interviews for HIV In My Day. These interviews are invaluable contributions and testimonies of the experiences of HIV in BC, Canada.

We are grateful to everyone who has participated, organized, and supported the activities associated with HIV In My Day and associated research. This project is only possible because of the interviewees, researchers, community members, and artists who contributed time and energy to this ongoing project. There are no words of gratitude that can express how valuable the testimony, scholarship, and artistic work has been. We would like to thank: Ben Klassen, whose original masters thesis became a University of Victoria Oral History research project led by Nathan Lachowsky and Terry Howard. Researchers, supporters, and community members who helped to guide many aspects of the project: Robert Ablenas, Charlene Anderson, Bruce Budden, JP Catungal, El Chenier, Sarah Chown, Craig Dales, Jasmine Desjardins, William Flett, Peggy Frank, TJ Furlani, Jackie Haywood, Art Holbrook, Terry Howard, Rob Hurst, Matt Huculak, Kai Jacobsen, Ben Klassen, Nathan Lachowsky, Sandy Lambert, Faelan Lundeberg, Christiana Miewald, Michael Montess, Andrés Montiel, Surita Parashar, Anya Slater, Christopher Szekeres, Leah Tidey, Rick Waines, Furqan Waleed, Sarah Wilson, Michael Yoder, Laine Halpern Zisman.

Community Gathering Planning Committee

  • Robert Ablenas
  • Sarah Chown
  • William Flett
  • Jackie Haywood
  • Ben Klassen
  • Michael Montess
  • Furqan Waleed
  • Rick Waines
  • Laine Halpern Zisman

Committee for AntiRacism and Equity (CARE)

  • JP Catungal
  • William Flett
  • Sandy Lambert
  • Surita Parashar