Full Blown AIDS Collage

Just Another Day with Full Blown AIDS Artist: Kath Webster Material: paper and photographs of an original relief piece. Kath Webster worked with materials from a 4×4 foot collaborative collage she did in the early years with Margarite Sanchez, another positive woman artist. The original piece depicts their journeys as they supported one another through late-stage AIDS. In 1997 triple combination therapy become available and they both achieved ‘undetectable’ viral loads. However; it was still a time of great uncertainty about whether or not they would survive long-term. The creative process was a means to deal with the myriad of emotions they experienced during this time. The harsh reality of the diagnosis and illnesses are depicted along with strength, resilience and dark humour – which they both found to be an essential coping strategy. The idea to make the original collage came while Margarite was lying in a hospital bed battling opportunistic infections thinking “holy fuck somehow this needs to be art.”

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