20. Plague of the Gorgeous photos and book

Plague of the Gorgeous and Other Tales [upper] — Photo of Allan Morgan, cast member, 1995. Image used on cover of book “Plague of the Gorgeous and Other Tales.” [middle] — Book, collected tales by Gordon Armstrong, Colin Thomas, Lisa Lowe, Stuart Blackley & Kevin Gregg, and Peter Eliot Weiss; published by Scirocco Drama, Montreal, 1996. “Plague of the Gorgeous and Other Tales is dedicated to memory of John Moffat Because he was out about being gay. Because he was out about living with AIDS. Because he was funny and sexy and generous. Because he was a prodigiously talented actor. And because we miss him.” [lower] — Photo of cast and crew by Jamie Griffith Photography, 1995; from inaugural production by Out West Performance Society, 1995.

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