The US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is set to hear oral arguments at 3:00 pm PST on whether the federal district court’s temporary nationwide injunction barring the enforcement of President Trump’s executive order on immigration should remain in place.
Oral arguments will be live streamed on the US Court of Appeals’ website at 3:00 pm PST. Students and faculty interested in listening to oral arguments can listen here. If anyone is unable to listen this afternoon, the hearing will also be archived and made available by 12:00 pm PST on Wednesday, February 8. The archived hearing will be posted to the court’s YouTube channel here.
The court has also made available the parties’ written briefs and all amicus curiae briefs. All briefs are available on the court’s website.
The US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit today released its decision on the application to stay the federal district court’s temporary restraining order barring the enforcement of President Trump’s executive order on immigration pending appeal. In a 29 page decision, the Court denied the stay application, and the temporary restraining order halting enforcement of the executive order thus remains in place.