Well wishes and library exam period reminders

Happy holidays from the law library

The Law Library would like to wish all students good luck on their exams!

With the exam period upon us, we wish to ensure we offer all law students the support and study environment that is needed at this time. We alert all library users to the following updates and reminders.

Details of the Law Library hours can be found here.

Room bookings

Starting December 7th all group study rooms will be reserved for law student use only.

During this period group study rooms may be booked at the loan desk.

Research and citation help

Research and citation help is available. Drop-by librarian offices or contact us by e-mail or make an appointment.

Other supports

Remember that Amicus Team support remains available to law students throughout the year and that the law library’s respite room is available in case you need a quick cat nap – just ask for the key at the front desk.

Switch up your study location and take advantage of the law library’s natural light and standing workstations.

Other study spaces on campus

Fraser Building study space during building hours:

    • FRA 142: Quiet study
    • FRA 152: Group work/collaborative study
    • FRA 157: Quiet study
    • FRA 158: 1L study zone

Mearns-McPherson Library will be offering extended hours during the exam period. Starting December 6th you can stay until midnight! See hours & location.

In addition, the campus has multiple computer labs offering bookable project rooms and group work tables.

For more information about studying supports and services visit https://www.uvic.ca/students/academics/final-exams/study-supports/