Dear faculty and students,
UVic Libraries has made the decision to close both the Diana M Priestly Law Library and William C. Mearns Centre for Learning/McPherson Library. The Law Library will be closing as of today (March 18) at 4:30 pm. The Mearns – McPherson Library will be closing tomorrow (March 19) at 4:30. Both libraries will remain closed through April 10.
The safety and well-being of UVic students, staff, and faculty are at the heart of all library decisions. Our priority is to support faculty and students in completing this term and by providing a safe environment for everyone.
Reference services – The Law Library will continue to offer research and citation help to students and faculty during the closure via email, phone and video conferencing. To set up a reference appointment please contact us at Our email will be monitored daily Monday to Friday during the closure.
Technical issues – Students and Faculty – if you are experiencing access issues to WestlawNext, Lexis Advance Quicklaw or CLE BC Online, please report the problem to If you are experiencing access issues to any other online library resource, please report the problem to
Further updates regarding the UVic Libraries can be found on our webpage dedicated to the UVic Libraries Response to COVID-19.
Take care and best wishes,
Alex, Emily and Sarah