Hon. Tommy Banks and the Statutes Repeal Act

Hon. Tommy Banks, Liberal Senator from 2000 to 2011, Alberta,  was responsible for the Statutes Repeal Act, SC 2008 c. 20 .  The act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will table in Parliament, annually, a  listing of Acts and provisions of Acts that have not been brought into force within at least nine years of their enactment. These reports have been tabled since 2011 and are available on the Justice Laws Website

Over the course of seven years and five sittings of Parliament,  Banks   introduced and re-introduced the legislation that would finally pass in 2008. The bills  were reviewed by the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. The history of the final and earlier bills can be found on LegisInfo.

Hon. Tommy Banks, jazz musician and piano player, died in Edmonton on January 24, 2018.