Online Research Supports

Working on your research paper? Don’t forget that the Law Library has many online resources to support your research.

The A-Z Subject List: Key Legal Treatises and Textbooks Research Guide provides the leading treatises and textbooks on many different topics in law.   This Research Guide is an excellent starting point for finding key secondary sources on many of the main subjects of law, as textbooks offer a broad overview of a subject, while treatises offer an in-depth analysis including detailed footnotes on leading cases and scholarly sources.

The Law Library also has over 30 subject specific research guides.  Research Guides provide lists of books, databases, articles and websites related to a particular subject.

Working on your citations? Check out our citation help page.  This page provides links to useful online citation guides as well as other important citation information such as how to cite Indigenous sources.

The Law Library also has Legal Research Videos.  These short video tutorials provide steps and tips that will help you conduct legal research including noting-up cases, using secondary sources and locating Canadian federal and provincial (BC) legislation.

If you have any questions… remember, we’re here to help you.  To book an appointment with a law librarian visit: