Well Wishes and Library exam period reminders

Extended library hours. image of student studying with books
Extended library hours

The Law Library would like to wish all the students good luck on their exams!

We would also like to remind students of the extended study hours and research help options, as well as the supports offered by Amicus and the relaxation station available during library hours.

Extended Library Hours over Exam Period (Dec 8-19):
Mon-Thurs: 8am-10pm
Fri: 8am-8pm
Sat-Sun: 10am-10pm

Supports, Relaxation Station and Nap Time!
Remember that Amicus Team support remains available to law students throughout the year and that the law library’s Relaxation Station is available whenever the library is open. Don’t forget about the respite room in case you need a quick cat nap – just ask for the key at the front desk.

Citation and Research Help:
You may have noticed that the research help desk in the law library is unattended during the December exam period. Though the desk is quiet, research and citation help will remain available until December 24.

Students, you’re encouraged to email or phone the usual research help contacts. The librarians receive email and phone messages at those contacts and will respond as quickly as possible, Monday through Friday. Our regular Research Help Desk hours will recommence in the new year.