Over the last few years we have been working to upload law faculty scholarship into UVicSpace as part of our mission to advocate for, and enable learning and research innovation through open scholarship. We now have 184 items in the collection.
In the last year (2021) this collection received 14044 downloads and 24 new submissions.
The five most popular publications in 2021 were:
- Control over working time and work-Life balance: a detailed analysis of the Canada Labour Code Part III (2110 downloads)
- Multiculturalism and the Australian Constitution (1626 downloads)
- Claire L’Heureux-Dubé: A Life, Constance Backhouse (Vancouver: UBC Press for The Osgoode Society For Canadian Legal History, 2017) (1545 downloads)
- Constitutional Law from a First Nation Perspective: Self-Government and the Royal Proclamation (1503 downloads)
- Frozen Rights in Canada: Constitutional Interpretation and the Trickster (643 downloads)
The top country views were:
- Canada (266 views)
- China (146 views)
- United States (76 views)
- Germany (30 views)
- Russia (17 views)
To get started with uploading your work contact the law library team at lawref@uvic.ca. We can help you archive the final published or accepted manuscript versions of your articles in the repository after checking publisher policies. Placing your research publications in an open repository increases knowledge dissemination and helps satisfy the Tri-Agency’s open access to publications requirement.