Refugee Law Research-a-Thon

Stop by the library tomorrow to participate in the Refugee Law Research-a-Thon hosted by the UVic Law Chapter of the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL). The purpose of this event is to gather information to address research questions provided by the Immigration and Refugee Legal Clinic (IRLC). The IRLC provides free immigration and refugee legal services for low-income individuals in British Columbia.

The law librarians have created a website to help students identify research strategies and sources for each question, and will also be on hand throughout the afternoon to help students research.

The event runs Friday November 19, 2021 from 12pm-4pm in room 265 of the law library — see you there!


Citation management with Zotero workshop

Join us for a workshop on citation management with Zotero!

When: Friday November 19, 1:30-2:30pm:

Where: FRA 192/Computer Lab in the Law Library

Who:  Focused on law graduate students, but open to everyone.

This workshop provides a hands-on introduction to citation management with Zotero, a powerful open-source tool to simplify your research and writing. Using Zotero you can collect, organize, and annotate citations from online and print sources, collaborate with research groups, and automatically format bibliographies in the McGill Guide and others styles.

Westlaw Edge virtual training session

Join us online for a Westlaw Edge Canada Overview session

Learn more about the latest legal research offering from Thomson Reuters. Westlaw Edge Canada provides new features and usability enhancements to make your research more efficient and complete. At the end of this lesson you will be able to:

      • Incorporate the 8 new features of Edge into your research tasks
      • Describe the key content sets and finding tools available in Edge
      • Search more effectively using Advanced Search
      • Stay organized and track your activity
      • Identify key concepts in law firm chargeback environments

Westlaw edge logo