Students and Faculty,
While the physical building may be closed, the law library team is still here to support your research and learning.
New or expanded access to e-resources during closure
(**Updated March 31st**)
UVic Libraries has been working on securing expanded access to online materials during our closure. You will find below a list of new online resources that are available during the closure. We will update this list as we hear from publishers.
You can see a full list of UVic Libraries’ law related e-resources on the A-Z list of law databases. The law librarians are also updating the Key Legal Treatises and Textbooks Research Guide by adding links to ebooks as they become available.
Lexis Advance Quicklaw – LexisNexis Canada has agreed to provide expanded access to 80+ additional legal ebooks and resources on Lexis Advance Quicklaw until April 30, 2020.
Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (aka the ‘McGill Guide’) – Thomson Reuters has agreed to provide online access to law students and faculty on the WestlawNext Canada platform.
The Guide is available from the WestlawNext homepage:
eReference on ProView – Faculty and students can access all Thomson Reuters/Carswell looseleafs the library currently subscribes to online using the ProView ebook platform.
Irwin Law – UVic Libraries has a subscription to all Irwin Law ebooks. Irwin has agreed to remove the 3-user limit for all books in their e-library collection until further notice. You can browse/search the Irwin Law ebooks on the desLibris platform.
Hart Law Books : Bloomsbury Professional – Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic the library purchased the 2020 frontlist of Hart Law books. Bloomsbury has offered to provide free access to the UVic community all pre 2020 Hart Law titles available on its ebook platform until May 31, 2020. The full list of books available is viewable on Bloomsbury Collections.
Edward Elgar – The library has purchased the 2020 law collection from Elgar. Students and Faculty now have access to Elgar law ebooks published between 2018-2020. The full list of books available is viewable on ElgarOnline.
CLE Online – The law library has online access to the majority of CLE BC’s practice manuals and course materials. Please contact for the login credentials.
Technical issues
Students and Faculty – if you are experiencing access issues to WestlawNext, Lexis Advance Quicklaw or CLE BC Online, please report the problem to If you are experiencing access issues to any other online library resource, please report the problem to
Reference services
The Law Library will continue to offer research and citation help to students and faculty during the closure via email, phone and video conferencing. To set up a reference appointment please contact us at Our email will be monitored daily Monday to Friday during the closure.