Watch this space regularly for updates of new print and electronic titles received at Law Library. Click on a book cover to find out more about the book and where it can be found in the Law Library.
New Circulating Book Display
There is a new circulating book display in the law library. The display is titled “Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization/Reconciliation: Resources for Law Students”. It is located to the left of the entrance doors near the newspapers and new periodical display. The display is circulating, so please borrow the books!
The resources were curated by the law librarians and the Indigenous and Cultural Support Liaison. The display has an associated libguide which contains further online resources:
Research Help Desk: reduced hours this week
The Law Library Research help desk has reduced hours this week on Wednesday and Thursday.
Wednesday: 12-2
Thursday: 11:30-12:30 and 3-5
Regular research help desk hours resume next week (Mon-Thurs 12-2 and 3-5).