As you may have noticed, the Computer Lab has gone through some recent changes. This has been done provide room for more students in the lab, while also improving visibility for both students and instructors. The reconfiguration also provides students access to higher-functioning desk top computers when the lab is not available.

- The desktop computers from the first row of the computer lab have now been relocated to the long computer table by the study rooms and printer. These computers replaced the older computers, and should provide students with higher functioning computers.
- The computers from the second row have been relocated to the back row, to provide for more workstations while opening up the first two rows of tables to students using their own laptops.
- The flatbed scanner will be reinstalled to a location beside the long computer table.
- The new configuration will allow for seating for all the students enrolled in LRW. LRW students are reminded to bring their own laptops to class when possible, as the two rows of open tables allow for students to use their laptops, a necessity given the number of students in the LRW classes.
We welcome any feedback you may have on the new computer lab setup. You may provide feedback by contacting any of the Law Library staff.