UVic Law Professor Asad Kiyani’s published an op-ed in yesterday’s Times Colonist regarding changes in American immigration policy and the implications for Canada. The tragic implications of these policies bring into question the Canadian government’s continuing definition of the U.S. as a “Safe third country” when rejecting American asylum seekers.
While attempting to avoid addressing the morality of this definition, the Canadian government is trying to strengthen an agreement with the U.S. that could further limit refugee immigration across the US-Canada border by limiting an exception for those entering Canada outside official ports of entry. Kiyani states,
“This government, like those before it, is avoiding its responsibility to answer to the Canadian public on this issue. It is understandable why: The government would have to explain what definition of “safe’ encompasses forcing children into cattle pens while deporting their parents, or denying abused women asylum.”
You can keep up to date on what Professor Kiyani is working on via his twitter or find library resources in our International Human Rights Libguide.
Check out some of Professor Kiyani’s other publications available through the library: