As we enter the last week of term, we wish all students the best for exams, papers, and assignments. We wish to ensure we offer all law students the support and study environment that is needed at this time. We alert all library users to the following updates and reminders:
- Extended study period and exam hours began on Friday, November 24 and runs until Thursday, December 14, inclusive.
- Extended weekend hours are now in place, with the law library open until 10 pm Saturdays and Sundays.
- Fridays during this period we are open 2 additional hours, until 8pm. This is a pilot for this term.
- During this period all group study rooms and individual study carrels will be reserved for law student use only. This will continue until law library staff see a significant decline in use by law students, or until December 14, whichever comes first. Group study rooms and study carrels may be booked at the loan desk.
- Finally, we trust all law library users will respect the increased need for quiet study at this time.