Professor Asad Kiyani Awarded the Antonio Cassese Prize

Congratulations to Professor Asad Kiyani who was awarded the Antonio Casses Prize for International Criminal Law Studies for 2015-2016!  The award is given to authors of the most original and innovative papers published in the Journal of International Criminal Justice in the two years proceeding the award. Dr. Asad Kiyani was commended for his article, “Group-Based Differentiation and Local Repression: The custom and Curse of Selectivity.

An announcement by the Journal of International Criminal Justice:

Although much has been written on selectivity in international criminal justice, the Board believes that Dr Kiyani’s approach offers a novel and, most importantly, well thought-through methodology that will make an original and substantial contribution to the theme.

Congratulations to Dr. Miles Jackson of Oxford University who also won the prize for 2015-2016! You can read the full announcement here.

Check out some of Dr. Kiyani’s other work held through the UVic Libraries collection:
