Reflections of a Summer Student at the Law Library

This summer, I worked as a Law Library Collection and Research Assistant at the University of Victoria. I am now returning to UVic for my final semester of law courses, and reflecting on my experience as a summer student in a less conventional legal environment.

I’ve learned a lot at the library. Among other things, I learned useful computer skills in order to create an online legal educational tool. I practiced the skill of writing clearly for a public audience by completing blog posts on legal topics. I developed familiarity with secondary legal information resources, as well as the university law library’s role in providing access to those resources. I was exposed to the inner workings of a university library, and I had the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about the systems in place and the people running them. Overall, I gained a new perspective on legal education, research and information.

As a law student, I am returning to classes with stronger research skills that I will apply as I write my final papers. More importantly, I am returning for my final academic semester with a different perspective on what I want from my future career. I am returning with more awareness of job options outside of legal practice, and a better understanding of how my skill set and knowledge can be applied in all sorts of positions in the world of law and legal information.