Exam Period at the Law Library: extended hours and room bookings

With the exam period quickly approaching, we wish to ensure we offer all law students the support and study environment that is needed at this time. We alert all library users to the following updates and reminders:

  • Extended study period and exam hours begin on Monday, April 3 and run until Sunday, April 23, inclusive.
  • During this period the law library will be open until 10 pm each night except Fridays and Easter Monday (April 14).
  • We will be open Easter Monday for holiday hours (8:30 AM – 4:00 PM).
  • During this period all group study rooms and individual study carrels will be reserved for law student use only.
  • This will continue until law library staff see a significant decline in use by law students, or until April 23, whichever comes first.
  • During this period group study rooms and study carrels may be booked at the loan desk.

Finally, we trust all law library users will respect the increased need for quiet study at this time.

Many thanks

Appeal Volume 22 Launch Event

Please join the Appeal editorial team in the Law Library on March 23rd from 3:30 – 5:30 pm for the launch of Volume 22 of Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform.

Food and drinks will be provided.

Appeal is a student run law journal published at the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Law. Appeal publishes articles, case comments and book reviews offering insightful commentary on Canadian law and comparative law.


New Titles in the Law Library

Watch this space regularly for updates of new print and electronic titles received in or for the law library. We’ll supply the author, title, and call number information, as well as a link to the catalogue record where you can find out more about each title.

  • The clash within civilizations: coming to terms with cultural conflicts – Dieter Senghaas. Call Number: CB251 S45 2002
  • Dangerous people – Edited by Nigel Walker. Call Number: HV6049 D36 1996
  • Fear less: real truth about risk, safety, and security in a time of terrorism – Gavin De Becker. Call Number: HV6432 D4 2002
  • Justice as fairness: a restatement – John Rawls; edited by Erin Kelly. Call Number: JC578 R385 2001
  • Lost and found in translation: circulating ideas of policy and legal decision processes in Korea and Germany – Edited by Eun-Jeung Lee and Hannes B. Mosler. Call Number: JQ1725 A55P64458 2015
  • The sovereignty paradox: the norms and politics of international statebuilding – Dominik Zaum. Call Number: JZ6300 Z38 2007
  • Comparer les droits, résolument – Sous la direction de Pierre Legrand. Call Number: K559 C659 2009
  • Reason and restitution: a theory of unjust enrichment – Charlie Webb. Call Number: K920 W43 2016
  • Law, justice, democracy, and the clash of cultures: a pluralist account – Michel Rosenfeld. Call Number: K3240 R695 2011
  • Coercing virtue: the worldwide rule of judges – Robert H. Bork. Call Number: K3367 B67 2002
  • The Magna Carta: Catalog for auction held at Sotheby’s on Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 7:00 PM. Call Number: KD3946 M348 2007
  • Constitutions: writing nations, reading difference – Judith Pryor. Call Number: KD3989 P79 2008
  • Final report – Pollution Prevention Legislative Task Force. Call Number: KE3575 P65 1993
  • Introduction to international tax in Canada – Edited by Jean-Pierre Vidal et al. Call Number: KE5787 I58 2016
  • Legal implications of 1993 for member and non-member countries of the EEC. Call Number: KJE6417 I48 1992
  • Islam and the state in Myanmar: Muslim-Buddhist relations and the politics of belonging – Edited by Melissa Crouch. Call Number: KNL2107 M56 I83 2016
  • Pakistani marriages and the private international laws of Germany and England: a legal comparison of the private international law approaches of Germany and England concerning the assessment of the validity of marriages celebrated in Pakistan – Kaiser Chaudhary. Call Number: KPL543 C43 2014
  • International criminal law – Douglas Guilfoyle. Call Number: KZ7050 G85 2016

UVic Ideafest – 2017

Ideafest is an annual free festival of research that celebrates some of the brightest minds and ideas on campus. Running from March 6-11, this year’s festival features hundreds of speakers presenting on a wide range of topics. Here are some highlight that may be of interest to law students and Law Library users:

The  above events are only a small sampling of the weeks events. Check out the Ideafest website for the full schedule.



Alberta Law Reform Institute Report: A New Trustee Act for Alberta

The Alberta Law Reform Institute issued its final report  A New Trustee Act for Alberta  today (March 1, 2017) outlining its recommendations for the enactment of new trust legislation. The Report recommends that the province adopt the Uniform Trustee Act (2012) prepared by the Uniform Law Conference of Canada  (ULCC) with some modifications to address current best practices and Alberta’s existing trust law.

Alberta isn’t the only province where reform of trust law is being considered. British Columbia has also considered adopting new trust legislation. In 2004, the British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI) issued its own final report A Modern Trustee Act for British Columbia. This report, largely served as the starting point for the ULCC’s Uniform Trustee Act (2012). UVic Professor Emeritus Donovan Waters, QC was heavily involved in the preparation of both documents. In 2014 the government of  British Columbia sought public comments on the Uniform Trustee Act and the BCLI final report to inform a possible new Trustee Act for the province.

So far, New Brunswick is the only Canadian province that has reformed its trust legislation based on the Uniform Trustee Act (2012). In June 2016, the Trustees Act, SNB 2015, c 21 came into force.

Check out the following items in the Law Library’s collection for more information about the reform of the law of trusts in Canada:

  • A modern Trustee Act for British Columbia : a report prepared for the British Columbia Law Institute. Call Number: KEB168 A72B74 and Online.
  • Uniform Trustee Act : final report of the Uniform Trustee Act Working Group. Online.
  • Waters’ Law of Trusts in Canada 4th ed. / Donovan W.M. Waters, Mark R. Gillen, and Lionel D. Smith. Call Number: KE787 W38 2012.
  • Oosterhoff, Albert H., “Trust Law Reform: The Uniform Trustee Act” (2015) 34:3 Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal 329. Call Number: K5 S7292.
  • A New Trustee Act for Alberta – Alberta Law Reform Institute. Online.