Watch this space alternate Mondays for regular updates of new print and electronic titles received in or for the law library. We’ll supply the author, title, and call number information, as well as a link to the catalogue record where you can find out more about each title. Once again, this week’s list includes a number of titles that arrived over the last several weeks.
- Report on prostitution in Quebec—Robert Gemme, co-ordinator. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 11
- Prostitution in the Atlantic provinces—Nikita Crook. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 12
- Prostitution and pornography in selected countries—C.H.S. Jayewradene, T.J. Juliani and C.K. Talbot. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 4
- Canadian newspaper coverage of prostitution and pornography, 1978-1983—Maged El Komos. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 5
- A National population study of prostitution and pornograph—Peat, Marwick and Partners. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 6
- The ladies (and gentlemen) of the night and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases—Margot Haug, Maltaise Cini. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 7
- Vancouver field study of prostitution—J. Lowman. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 8
- Project T.A.P.: towards an awareness of prostitution : an empirical study of street prostitution in the prairie region—Melanie L. Lautt. Call Number: KE9059 W67 1984 no. 9