IBPOC Youth and Local Mental Health Services

Pauline Song is conducting a community-based and participatory research project that will use collaborative story-telling to centre the voices of youth with lived experience. The project evolved out of her clinical experiences of walking with and providing mental health services to racialized youth and their families in Victoria, BC.

The study is funded by Island Health and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, and it is focused on exploring the experiences of racialized youth who have accessed the public mental health system here in Victoria.

We are currently looking for youth with lived experience who would be interested in being an Advisory Committee member. As a member, you would provide your valuable perspective on the goals and design of the study before it begins, and then help brainstorm how to meaningfully communicate study results once it is done. All activities will be done over Zoom.

In the near future, we will also be looking for youth with lived experience who want to share their stories about their experiences of using the public mental health system in the Victoria area.

Feel free to reach out to Pauline for more information at any time: psong@uvic.ca