European semester and European governance Portuguese case


Portugal, Lisbon

Catolica-Lisbon School of Business & Economics 

13th May 2019

Click here for the conference notes from rapportueurs.  

10h30 – 11h: Presentation of the Jean Monnet Network Project on the European Semester

Room 529

Welcome remarks by:

Teresa Lloyd Braga, Vice Rector of Vice Rector of Catholic University of Portugal 

Chair: Amy Verdun, Leiden University&University of Victoria


Francisco Torres, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

Mark Hallerberg, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Paul Schure, University of Victoria

Pompeo Della Posta, University of Pisa


11h15 – 12h20: Teaching the European Semester in European Integration Courses

Room 529

Class of The Political Economy of European Integration taught by Francisco Torres. Students will present their class assignments on the European Semester. Members of the project and workshop participants are invited to participate in the discussion. Student participation combines outreach and research purposes: the event focuses on fostering knowledge about EU coordination of economic and social policies.

Authors presentation here.

Paper here.

Chair: Annette Bongardt, National Institute for Public Administration (INA), Research Center in Political Science (CICP), Évora University & Minho University


Amy Verdun, Leiden University & University of Victoria

Ana Fontoura Gouveia, Bank of Portugal and Nova SBE

Catherine Moury, Nova FCSH

Daniel Schulz, Technical University of Munich

Elsa Vaz, Évora University

Francisco Torres, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

George Pagoulatos, Athens University

Helena Guimarães, University of Minho

João Amador, Nova SBE

João Cortes, President of the Nova Economics Club

Jorge Braga de Macedo, Former Minister of Finance. Lisbon Academy of Sciences, NBER and CEPR, Professor Emeritus and Nova SBE

Marina Costa Lobo, Institute for Social Sciences, University of Lisbon

Mark Hallerberg, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Miguel Lebre de Freitas, Universidade de Aveiro & Nova SBE

Miguel Rocha de Sousa, University of Évora and CICP

Paulo Vila Maior, Fernando Pessoa University

Pedro Melo, President of the CATÓLICA-LISBON Economics Club, Research Assistant, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics 

Pompeo Della Posta, University of Pisa

Valerie D’Erman, University of Victoria


12h30 – 13h40: Lunch – Constitution of the Political Economy of European Integration Network Group

Lunch at the faculty restaurant, 4th floor.

Lunch by invitation. It is open to others subject to availability – and a fee: +-13,5€


13h50 – 16h: The Working of the European Semester

Room 531

Welcome remarks by:

Miguel Athayde Marques, Vice Rector of Catholic University of Portugal

Paper 1: Measuring Economic Reform Recommendations under the European Semester: ‘One Size Fits All’ or Tailoring to Different Sets of Member States?


Amy Verdun, Leiden University & University of Victoria

Daniel Schulz, Technical University of Munich

Valerie D’Erman, University of Victoria

Jörg Haas, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Authors presentation here.

Paper here.

Paper 2: Surveillance of Macroeconomic Imbalances – Experience and Open Issues


Lorenzo Codogno, European Institute, London School of Economics

Author presentation here.

Paper 3: Euroscepticism and the European Semester


Mark Hallerberg, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Nicole Baerg, University of Sussex

Authors presentation here.

Paper here.

Chair: Miguel Athayde Marques, Vice Rector of Catholic University of Portugal

General comments:

José Leandro, Director General, ECFIN, European Commission

José Azevedo Pereira, Director General, GPEARI, Ministry of Finance

Discussion Panel:

Catherine Moury, Nova FCSH

George Pagoulatos, Athens University


16h15 – 18h15: European Monetary Union @ 20 – Looking Back and Forward

Room 531

Welcome remarks by:

Filipe Santos, Dean of Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics


José Leandro, Director General, ECFIN, European Commission

Authors presentation here.

Chair: Jorge Braga de Macedo, Former Minister of Finance. Lisbon Academy of Sciences, NBER and CEPR, Professor Emeritus and Nova SBE


Teodora Cardoso, President of the Portuguese Public Finance Council (2012-2019), Former Member of the Board and Economic Research Director of Bank Portugal

Luís Campos e Cunha, Former Minister of Finance and former Vice Governor of Bank of Portugal. Nova SBE

Pedro Duarte Neves, Former Vice Governor of Bank if Portugal and former Alternate Chairman of the European Banking Authority. Bank of Portugal and Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

18h30 – 20h: Greece and Portugal, the adjustment programme and the European Semester

Room 531

Welcome remarks by:

João César das Neves, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics 


Francisco Torres, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

George Pagoulatos, Athens University

Miguel Lebre de Freitas, Universidade de Aveiro & Nova SBE


– Greece after the Bailouts: Assessment of a Qualified Failure, George Pagoulatos

Author presentation here.

– Portugal’s adjustment program: the run-up to the sovereign debt crisis, program design, implementation and legacy, Francisco Torres and Miguel Lebre de Freitas

Authors presentation here.

Chair: Luísa Leal Faria, President of the Sociedade Científica , Catholic University of Portugal

Discussion Panel:

Amy Verdun, Leiden University & University of Victoria

João Amador, Banco de Portugal and Nova SBE

João Borges de Assunção, NECEP, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

José Tavares, Nova SBE

Lorenzo Codogno, European Institute, LSE

Luís Campos e Cunha, Former Minister of Finance and former Vice Governor of Bank of Portugal. Nova SBE

Marina Costa Lobo, Institute for Social Sciences, University of Lisbon

Paul Schure, University of Victoria


20h: Conference Dinner

Dinner at the faculty restaurant, 4th floor.

Dinner by invitation. It is open to others subject to availability – and a fee: +-15,5€


14th May


10h30 – 13h: The Various Dimensions of the European Semester – relevant issues from a National Perspective

Room 529

Welcome remarks by:

Catarina Reis, Academic Director Masters of Science in Economics of Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

Chair: Francisco Torres, Católica-Lisbon


Ana Fontoura Gouveia, Bank of Portugal and Nova SBE

António Correia de Campos, President of the Portuguese Economic and Social Committee

Carlos Marinheiro, Member of the Board of the Portuguese Public Finance Council and University of Coimbra

Inês Domingos, Member of Parliament and Católica-Lisbon

Ricardo Pinheiro Alves, Director General, Strategy and Economic Research Directorate, Economics Ministry

Presentation Carlos Marinheiro

Presentation Inês Domingos

Presentation Ricardo Pinheiro Alves

Discussion Panel:

Catarina Dantas-Machado, European Commission

Daniel Schulz, Technical University of Munich

Dina Rodrigues, Research Assistant, Nova SBE

George Pagoulatos, Athens University

João Faria, European Commission

João Medeiros, European Commission

Jörg Haas, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Martim Leitão, Research Assistant, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics 

Pedro Melo, President of the CATÓLICA-LISBON Economics Club, Research Assistant, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics 


13h – 14h15: Lunch

Room 529

Lunch at the faculty restaurant, 4th floor.

Lunch by invitation. It is open to others subject to availability – and a fee: +-13,5€


14h30 – 15h: Closing Session – Summing up of the workshops and preparing the meetings with other stakeholders in Lisbon

Room 529

Chair: Annette Bongardt, National Institute for Public Administration (INA), Research Center in Political Science (CICP), Évora University & Minho University


Amy Verdun, Leiden University & University of Victoria

Francisco Torres, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics