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June 20, 2024

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Webinar: Foreign Policy and Anti-Racism Today

Thursday Jun 13, 2024 04:00 PM Pacific – 7 pm Eastern time



Governments and institutions are increasingly emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) but these programs often fail to address the rise in Sinophobia, Islamophobia, Anti-Palestinian Racism, and Antisemitism accompanying recent Canadian foreign policies. Join in the conversation with a panel of anti-racist activists and scholars.


Monia Mazigh is an academic, award-winning Canadian author and human rights activist. She writes in French and English and has authored so far, a memoir, three novels, an essay and a collection of short stories, celebrated by the critique.

Xiaobei Chen is Professor of sociology in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Carleton University.

Alejandro Paz is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto Scarborough. His current research is about Israeli English online journalism, and its impact on North Atlantic public opinion. He is founding co-chair of the Hearing Palestine Initiative at the University of Toronto, also helped to founding the Jewish Faculty Network, where he still serves on the steering committee.

Jamila Ewais is lead researcher for the Anti-Racism Program at the CJPME Foundation. Our work focuses on Anti-Palestinian Racism in Canada and its intersection with other forms of racism. It also aims to advocate for the rights of the Palestinian movement in Canada and to end all forms of discrimination against them.

Moderator: Timothy J. Stanley is professor emeritus of anti-racism education in the Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa. An award-winning historian of racism and Chinese Canadian experience, in 1976-78 he studied at the Beijing Language’s Institute and Peking University as a participant in the official Canada-China Exchange Scholarship. He is a founding member of the Canada-China Focus Advisory Committee.

Organized by Canada-China Focus

Co-Sponsored by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute


Research Award: Monitoring Canada’s National Security State

The “War on Terror”, the alleged “China Threat’, wars in Ukraine and Palestine, ecological catastrophe, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyberattacks are rapidly changing the terrain for national security policymaking. Social movements are often directly affected. Is it possible that we are seeing the consolidation of a National Security State in Canada, similar to and further integrated with the prototype in the United Sates? Canada-China Focus, a project of the UVic Centre for Global Studies and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, is making available a research award directed at those in surveillance studies, civil liberties, or related fields willing to help network scholars and concerned social movements to publicly track, analyze, and inform the public about potential impacts of the emerging policies and practices related to national security in Canada. The anticipated outcomes from this award might include, for example, the establishment of an ongoing monitoring network, the creation of a dedicated web site, preparation of related partnership research grants. The sponsors are open to suggestions. Applications from individuals or organizations welcome and would include a short proposal, budget, and references. Proposals with matching funds (in-kind or otherwise) particularly welcome. Letters of intent also accepted.

Award Amount: $10,000 for one year.

To Apply: email cover letter, proposal, and references to Canada-China Focus, ccf@uvic.ca.

Deadline: July 1, 2024

Canada-China Focus is a project dedicated to creating safe spaces for discussions about Canada-China relations, preventing racial profiling, and promoting anti-racist foreign policies.

The Five Eyes and Canada’s “China Panic”
A Threat to Diplomacy, Research, and Peace in the Pacific?

Published: January 9, 2024

Written by: John Price with the National Security Reference Group, CAUT


“John Price raises a set of important questions about how the Canadian establishment, including major political parties, universities, and the media, settled into groupthink on China as an all-encompassing threat. It will take courage and wisdom from leaders across the country to resist a worsening of the current China Panic.”

Senator Yuen Pau Woo

“This Report is timely, and carries an important message — it took time and effort to bring Canada around to seeing China as a ‘threat’, and Ottawa is now slow to move beyond a myopically confrontational posture toward China, to the detriment of Canadian national interests, and as its Five Eyes allies are already doing.”

Gregory T. Chin
Associate Professor at York University, and former Canadian diplomat.

“An illuminating and meticulously documented analysis of the manufacturing of Canada’s ‘China panic’, this discussion paper is a wake-up call to the progessive left about the drift toward a surveillance state that will shrink the space for democratic discussion and the exercise of human rights.”

William K. Carroll
Professor of Sociology, University of Victoria and Research Associate,
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – BC Office.