The pursuit of a sensible cannabis policy in BC

I am the Director of the Sensible BC campaign for a marijuana referendum. I’ve been working on marijuana reform for all of my adult life. I spent ten years as editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine, co-founded the Vancouver Seed Bank in 2005, and in 2008 started up the Vancouver Dispensary Society.

I am passionate about this issue because I see cannabis reform as a lynchpin that will affect many other areas of social policy. Legalization of marijuana will positively impact issues around civil rights, police resources, racial disparities, the economy, health care, the environment, and more. There’s no other plant on earth with the wide range of industrial, medicinal, environmental and social benefits that are available from the cannabis plant.

I launched the Sensible BC campaign in September 2012 to try to change this. I spent a year travelling around the province, giving presentations about our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, which would effectively decriminalize cannabis possession at the provincial level, while calling upon the federal government to repeal cannabis prohibition.

Part of our campaign is to dispel myths around marijuana enforcement in BC, including the perception that there is already a de-facto decriminalization here. Nothing could be further from the truth. Charges for cannabis possession in BC have doubled over the past six years, and are far higher than any other province. BC police made over 16,500 arrests for marijuana possession last year, resulting in 3,700 convictions, at a cost to taxpayers of over $10 million. Our legislation would redirect those police resources towards more serious crimes.

Canada’s marijuana laws are out of step with scientific research and public opinion. A majority of Canadians, and a strong majority of British Columbians, want marijuana to be decriminalized or legalized. Yet we have no political champions in BC, no provincial politicians have been willing to bring this issue to the forefront. That’s why we launched Sensible BC, so that the people could make their voice heard.

On September 9, we started the 90-day clock for collecting signatures for the referendum campaign. Just like the “Fight HST” campaign, we need to collect signatures from 10% of the registered voters in every single one of BC’s 85 electoral districts (well over 300,000 people). It is an incredibly difficult task, but if we are successful, then the BC Liberal government must either introduce the Sensible Policing Act into the Legislature, or put it forward for a public referendum.

As we enter the final 30 days to collect signatures, we have gathered less than half of the names that we need. However, with new volunteers and canvassers still streaming in, we’ve been getting many more signatures every week, and success is still within grasp for our team. Regardless of whether we get all the signatures required, we will continue to press the provincial government to take action on this issue. Skyrocketing arrests for marijuana possession are a poor use of police resources, and the people of BC are ready for decriminalization, and legalization, of our province’s lucrative cannabis industry.

To find out more or to register as a canvasser visit, or call our campaign office at 604-343-4684, or email me directly at

*Please note that the material presented here does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by individuals at the Centre for Addictions Research of BC


Author: Dana Larsen 


A look at cannabis legalization in Colorado, USA

It has been over forty years since the Nixon administration declared a “war on drugs”; the criminalization of drugs still reverberates throughout all corners of America today. Yet last November voters said “yes” on legislation that ended marijuana prohibition in not one but two states. Come January 2014, Washington and Colorado will allow adults 21 years and older to use, manufacture and sell cannabis in a manner similar to alcohol or tobacco. In a nation that charges over 1.5 million people per year for drug violations, how did such a shift happen?

Let’s back up to November 2000 when Colorado passed its first medical marijuana legislation, Amendment 20, which initiated what has become the most successful and sophisticated medical marijuana industry in U.S. history. With more medical marijuana shops than liquor stores or Starbucks outlets, the industry has created an infrastructure and attitude that has changed the way Coloradans think about pot.

This important shift in mentality has moved the conversation from drug criminalization to profitability and regulation. The medical marijuana industry proved that big bucks were being made in the state of Colorado – what has since been termed the “Green Rush.” According to the State of Colorado website, medical marijuana sales were over $200 million, generating over $5 million in state sales tax. Evidence like this caused activists to project and campaign a $600 million profit margin per year – a profitability that the majority of Coloradan voters wanted.

Unfortunately, though, you can’t just say “marijuana is legal” and expect things to sort themselves out. Over the past year, activists, lawyers and politicians of Colorado’s Amendment 64 campaign have been putting out fires and doing everything necessary to smoothly implement the new state law.

The biggest post-legalization concerns surround children, driving and taxation. According to the Denver Post, from 2005 to 2009, Children’s Hospital Colorado had virtually zero emergency room visits from pediatric marijuana ingestions. When conversation of legalization began in 2010, there were 14 emergency room visits. That same year, poison centre calls from pediatric marijuana ingestions doubled. Since then, regulators have been working to create safety measures that can prevent such exposures, including childproof packaging that could be required for all cannabis products in the state come the new year.

Regulators have also been working hard to devise safeguards on our roads.  Unlike alcohol, there is no clear-cut consensus on the amount of marijuana that would impair a driver’s ability. Marijuana users could have tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their body for up to a week or more after lighting up, making it difficult to assess the driver. Since Amendment 64 passed, a new law has set a THC of 5 or more nanograms per millilitre to be considered illegal. However, even with the new standard, skeptics are expecting numerous defendants and court cases to emerge as the law becomes implemented.

The last and most recently debated step in the legalization process has been to establish state revenue goals and taxation laws. On November 6, 2013, voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition AA, authorizing a 15% excise tax and special sales tax of up to 15%.  Adding this to county sales taxes as high as 15%, this makes pot one of the most heavily taxed consumer products in Colorado – higher than alcohol even without taking local levies into account.

A recent Forbes article argued that with taxes that high, there is serious concern that legal marijuana may have trouble competing with the black market.  BOTEC analysis corporation report estimates that a legal ounce of weed will cost anywhere from $482 to $723 – much higher than the estimated black market price of $238. If those price comparisons are the actual prices, Colorado may be perpetuating instead of eliminating illegal cannabis, undermining Amendment 64 altogether.

Come January 1st, Colorado is open for business and the world is watching. Colorado and Washington alike will serve as important examples of what marijuana legalization should or should not look like. If legalization is successful, other states, provinces or countries may follow suit. If it is not, legalization could risk pushing drug policy back and perpetuating the black market and criminalization even further.

Using Colorado’s road to legalization as an example, do you think B.C. is ready?

*Please note that the material presented here does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by individuals at the Centre for Addictions Research of BC


Author: Alissa Greer, Research Project Coordinator at Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center