Eat, drink and be merry? Consumption and connectedness on campus

Post-secondary institutions face a variety of challenges in regard to food and mind-altering substances. These can run a gamut from “orthorexia” (an obsession with eating only foods deemed very healthy) to what has been dubbed “drunkorexia” (extreme weight control practices to compensate for calories added in episodes of heavy drinking).

At least some of the factors that contribute to unhealthy eating on campus are the same as those which influence unhealthy alcohol or other drug use. That was a common theme in the discussion during a webinar we participated in some weeks ago. The conversation focused on how post-secondary institutions might address these factors so as to create conditions more conducive to wellbeing.

One thread of the conversation had to do with how eating and substance use are both linked to socializing and building relationships. Solitary consumption, whether it’s food, alcohol or illicit drugs, is more likely to be harmful for people. So why not encourage individuals to eat and drink mostly in the company of others rather than in isolation? Our institutions also need to consider how they might foster an environment that naturally brings people together and promotes sensible, enjoyable eating, as well as substance use that is both moderate and gratifying. This will not only help avoid problems but will encourage participation in the community and help create a positive sense of identity and belonging.

It has long been recognized that campuses can influence their alcohol culture. Ideally, drinking should be situated as an optional (rather than essential) and peripheral (rather than central) component of forging and strengthening bonds of friendship and having fun together. Messaging such as “not too much, not too often, only when safe” can promote more reflection and intentional choices around the use of alcohol (and other drugs). Policy can attempt to thoughtfully regulate use in ways attentive to the health interests and rights of users and non-users alike. But this will not be enough.

Sustained efforts to cultivate a culture of connectedness and caring will need to engage community members in dialogue around the issues. Students, administrators, faculty, counsellors, residence staff, coaches and others would be among the partners in such conversation on campus. Nurturing respectful dialogue is challenging in our fractured society but is essential to building mutual understanding that will allow us to function together. Engaging conversation on “big” questions related to pleasure, social responsibility and moderation while preparing a meal and eating together together may not be a bad place to start.  Selkirk College’s Dinner Basket Conversations provide a great example.

Of course, we will not all agree. Those who are persuaded that nothing short of drunkenness delivers confidence, liberation, opportunity, adventure, or hilarity can still be encouraged to practice protective strategies for themselves and their comrades. They can also be presented with alternative ways of meaningful engagement that will broaden their horizon of what can build confidence and provide friends and memorable experiences.

Campuses can best address these challenges by being strategically proactive. Being reactive in employing countermeasures and penalties to reduce exposure to damage will not do it. Campuses must actively and continuously seek to foster, through many different initiatives, a community of collective caring that produces mutually enhancing relationships among all its members.

Hopefully the conversations will continue. The Centre for Addictions Research of BC, Canadian Mental Health Association-BC Division, and Jessie’s Legacy Eating Disorders Prevention Program are interested in helping post-secondary institutions implement effective approaches to support healthy relationships with food and substances on campuses. Please send your ideas and experiences to

Tim Dyck  #4 Dan Reist Preferred

Authors: Tim Dyck, Dan Reist, Centre for Addictions Research of BC.

**Please note that the material presented here does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by individuals at the Centre for Addictions Research of BC.

How to have a great night (and remember it the next day)

In my last post, I wrote about the science of blackouts. Today, I am going to share some tips from my book, “Drink Less Be More: How to have a great night (and life) without getting wasted,” on how to avoid blackouts and other unwanted results of drinking too much.

Getting ready. Changing your “pre-gaming” activities can help set the tone for the evening, and help ensure that you are starting off on the right foot, so to speak. Decide how much you are going to drink before you even leave the door, and follow these strategies to make sure you don’t stumble over the line into oblivion.

Eat something! This may seem obvious, but having food in your stomach slows the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream and will help delay the effects of alcohol, which will help you stick to your intentions. Proteins and fats take longer to digest, so they’ll stay in your system longer into the evening.

Pre-drinking. My best friend and I used to polish off a bottle of champagne before heading out to the first venue of the evening. Drinking bubbly felt like a treat, a celebration, and that’s often exactly the feeling we were going for, as we sought to shed the stress of the week.

This was a hard habit to break. We were still fans of the bubbly, so we sought out non-alcoholic versions.

Hold up! How many times have you sat down at a restaurant table, and immediately began perusing the wine list? Or ordered a cocktail while waiting for your party to arrive? To combat this automated response, I like to implement the “arrive and assess” strategy. Give yourself 30 minutes after arriving somewhere to check in with yourself, see how you feel, and try something different. This simple step will help you reset your evening in a big way.

At a restaurant? Ask what kind of delicious non-alcoholic offerings there are on the menu. Arriving at a bar or club? Try a sparkling water with a splash of fruit and a lime wedge. Set the timer for 30 minutes before you order your first cocktail.

Drink water. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more, which can lead to dehydration. Not only does this lead to hangovers, but a dehydrated brain doesn’t function as well, which will compound how you feel the effects of alcohol.

You needn’t make your water drinking obvious – you can ask the bartender for sparkling or still water over ice with a few slices of lime or lemon. Drinking out of fancy glassware makes drinking water more appealing and more delicious, while cutting down on public scrutiny, judgement, and having to answer unsolicited questions about why you aren’t drinking alcohol. You may also want to adopt a two-to-one ratio for water (or other non-alcoholic drinks) to booze.

Ask the bartender. Get fancy! Cutting back on alcohol doesn’t have to be boring. One of my favourite things to do is to ask the bartender to concoct the most delicious creation sans-alcohol that he or she can come up with. Any good mixologist will love the challenge.

Drink slowly. Sip your drinks. Pick the slowest drinker in the group and pace yourself with them. I remember before I started trying to cut back on my alcohol intake, I couldn’t believe how “slow” some people drank. Not surprisingly, it was the slow drinkers that still had their “ish” together at the end of the night.

Knowing when “enough is enough.” It’s a skill that many of us are not taught; to the contrary, in our culture of excess we often feel like we need more, more, more! Setting your intentions before you go out can help with your internal barometer of when enough is enough. The more clear you can feel about what you really want, the more you’ll know if you’ve achieved it, and if you are not going to, then when to call it quits.

It is also important to do the inner work necessary to avoid repeating the same cycles. If you have experienced a blackout in the past and have lingering feelings of shame, regret, embarrassment or sadness, give yourself some extra love and forgiveness.

If you are a friend on the receiving end of hearing of someone else’s blackout, make sure to offer them safety, non-judgment and support instead of laughing it off or minimizing it.

What are your favourite strategies for drinking less to maximize fun? Share them in the comments – we’d love to hear!


Author: Caitlin Padgett has been working for over twelve years in peer and community-based HIV/AIDS, harm reduction, public health, and human rights programs. She is the author of Drink Less Be More: How to have a great night (and life) without getting wasted.

To learn more about Caitlin and her work, please visit her website

 **Please note that the material presented here does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by individuals at the Centre for Addictions Research of BC