Our Team

Ravessa Fejzullai, President

Ravessa (she/her) is a third-year student at UVic majoring in math with a minor in gender studies. Math has always been something that fascinated her, and that she finds beautiful. Other than math, her interests consist of reading, listening to music, watching movies and/or plays, and enjoying time with her friends. She is very excited to be your new President.





Ashna Wright, Vice President

Ashna (she/her) is a second year Master’s student at UVic. She finds discrete math to be the most fun to learn about but loves most forms of math. Ashna is originally from Toronto, but decided to move out west to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and be surrounded by nature. She enjoys going for walks, reading, cooking new recipes she sees online, and playing any board game she can get her hands on.




Elena Moss, Treasurer

Elena (she/her) is a final year math student, and is super excited to be the treasurer of the AWM UVic student chapter! She is from Victoria, and spends most of her free time outside hiking, bouldering, and cycling. Although Elena is most interested in discrete math. What Elena’s enjoyed most about being part of this club is that it has become a social place where like-minded individuals can get together and talk about things they love.




Shannon Ogden
Shannon Ogden, Outreach Program Coordinator

Shannon (she/her) just graduated with an Masters in Math from UVic and will be started her PhD in September 2023. She loves playing the piano (never mind how poorly) and the unequaled satisfaction of a well-organized bookcase brimming with gorgeous editions of classic novels. When not buried in math papers, Shannon can often be found rock climbing, hiking, or simply looking for the perfect tree under which to read.




Kate Nimegeers, Equity and Diversity Administrator

Kate (she/they) is a UVic masters student focusing on the study of discrete math.  Hailing from a small town in the prairies, Kate has been nothing if not impressed by the amazing natural landscapes ripe for exploring in BC.  As such, Kate tries to spend their time away from their desk trail-running, hiking, and beachcombing.  Although currently focused on studying math, Kate also has a special place in their academic heart for coding, economics, information management, and market research.  She is quite social and therefore willing to befriend just about anyone who wants to sip coffee and chat about school, life, cartoons, women’s and LGBTQIA2+ rights,  or whatever naturally comes up!


Kiara McDonald, Graduate-Student-at-Large

Kiara (she/her) is a first-year Master’s student at UVic, and is the grad student at large for the AWM. Kiara has been a life-long BC resident who is originally from Kamloops, and chose to come to UVic to continue her studies in discrete math. In addition to her love for graph theory, Kiara also enjoys coding, specifically in Python. When she’s not studying, you can find Kiara listening to music (most likely Taylor Swift), watching a movie, playing soccer or spending time with friends.




UVic Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Jane Butterfield & Dr. Natasha Morrison