
The UVic AWM Student Chapter was started in November 2019. The group aims to meet approximately once a month, with at least one meeting per year to include bureaucracy. Every student at the university is welcome to join. The goals of the Chapter are to promote the following (as laid out in the AWM bylaws: https://awm-math.org/programs/student-chapters-info/):

      • an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the mathematical sciences, including pure and applied mathematics, statistics, and their applications;
      • a greater understanding of the contributions of women in the mathematical sciences; and
      • mentoring and encouraging women and girls as they prepare for careers in the mathematical sciences.

All the (beautiful) meeting minutes taken by our secretary are fully available to any member upon request. We would love to share them, so please send us a quick email if you would like access!

The Chapter’s founding members (2019).