
We’re thrilled to announce our first Womxn in Math and Stats Mentorship Program meeting on Friday January 29th at 4 pm !

Our goal: Create an environment where womxn interested in math and stats can see one another and envision themselves succeeding.

These short “mentorship” sessions will be held monthly from January through April. The first 15 minutes of each meeting will be as an entire (zoom) room full of mathematically-minded peers. The goal is to see other womxn in your program, something we have found harder than usual in online classes. The next 5 to however-long-you-have minutes will be spent in small groups (breakout rooms) for 2-3 people to get to know each other. You can talk to new people each time, or keep chatting with the same group throughout the semester.

While our original idea was to pair up mentors and mentees, conversations with 20+ female* math & stats students persuaded us that a more flexible, low commitment program would help us connect more mathematically-minded womxn. We hope this structure will allow extra-busy students who feel overwhelmed at the prospect of formal mentorship to participate!

We are NOT: Tutoring, counselling, able to meet in person :(

We ARE: Connecting and building a community at UVic for womxn with an interest in math!

The Zoom links for these sessions will be available closer to the date, posted on our Facebook Page and Discord Channel. Please send us a quick email for information on how to join these platforms. We can’t wait to hear from you!! : )

To all our marvelous, male-identifying allies, we would love to hear from you as well, and work together to figure out how you can best support our goals and get involved with the Student Chapter! <3


*We would like to acknowledge that “female” or “women” is not an accurate description for many people and it may make some feel unwelcome. We use the term “womxn” to specifically and intentionally include cis and trans women, as well as non-binary, agender, or intersex people and other gender minorities.