From Ally and Taylor

Across the Pond: On Different Projects and Meaningful Ideas A Blog Post for Anth 395 Blog posts in general are an important source of knowledge in our field. They allow for people, not just academics, to have access to the work that is going on in today’s research....

Jill and Michaela – Vlog part 1

It is hard to believe that our last week in the field has arrived. What an amazing, rich, and wonderful educational experience we are having.  It will be difficult to say goodbye to our fellow classmates, all of the volunteers, our professor, and our teaching...

Victoria Day in the Jewish Cemetery!

The Jewish Cemetery. Image by: Emily Badger Our class is coming up to close and there are projects to be done! I told myself that I would return to the cemetery over the long weekend, but my cousin came down to surprise me. This pushed my schedule back so I spent my...

Dr McG here…

I can’t believe the course is almost over for another year! It feels like we just got started. We’ve made good progress so far, in spite of needing to redo some work from last year (a few of last year’s students forgot to submit their monument...

Ryan writes about monument cleaning

On Thursday, in Anthropology 395 we learned about cleaning gravestones with help from Angela Dyck, a recent graduate from UVic. Working in Emanu-El cemetery has created a bond between my class and the people buried here. It may seem strange as some people were born...

Vanessa’s reflections two weeks into fieldwork

Today marked the end of our second week doing fieldwork as a class in this beautiful cemetery. I can’t believe how quickly time is flying! So far, this has been one of the most interesting and hands on courses I have ever taken in my three years at Uvic. It is both...

Elisa’s reflections (Tuesday, May 17)

Transition So far our focus at the Jewish cemetery has been about the individuals represented by the memorials, their spatial relationship to the landscape and to each other as well as the dimensions of each of the memorial features.  As we move into the second week...
In the Beginning: Paige’s thoughts

In the Beginning: Paige’s thoughts

There is nothing like starting a new project when the weather is nice. That being said, a cemetery is not the usual place one starts out their summer, but me and ten others have chosen to do so and I could not be more excited. Is is invigorating to know that we are...
Maya’s thoughts on the first day in the field

Maya’s thoughts on the first day in the field

Well, today (Thursday) was my first official day in the field for Anth 395, and my first visit to the cemetery. There’s something incredibly surreal about being able to connect a grave to the people and the stories that have appeared in my textbooks since middle...

Some Thoughts on Religion and Archaeology

Tuesday, in our first official class in the Anthropology 395: Heritage Archaeology course we covered a lot more than I expected and perhaps was prepared for. We not only covered in lecture the various aspects of the course, such as monument measurement and mapping,...