
(2019) Glimmerings: Trans Elders Tell Their Stories

Transgender Publishing


(2016/1997) FTM: Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society

Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2nd edition (300+ citations)

Book Reviews


(2014/2016) The Transgender Archives: Foundations for the Future

Victoria, BC: University of Victoria Libraries


Articles & Book Chapters


Aaron Devor, “Legitimizing Trans: Reed Erickson (1917-1992) and the Erickson Educational Foundation,” in Dallas Denny, Jamison Green, Kyan Lynch, Carolyn Wolf-Gould (Eds.), From Margins to Mainstream: A History of Transgender Medicine in the United States.



“Foreword.” In Aidan Key. Trans Children in Today’s Schools (p. xi-xiii). New York: Oxford University Press.

Queen R, Courtney KL, Lau F, Davison K, Devor A, Antonio MG. “Authors’ Reply: Modernizing Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Data Through Engagement and Education.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 25:e52286.

Queen R, Courtney KL, Lau F, Davison K, Devor A, Antonio MG. “What’s Next for Modernizing Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Terminology in Digital Health Systems? Viewpoint on Research and Implementation Priorities.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 25:e46773.



M. Antonio, F. Lau, K. Davison, A. Devor, R. Queen, K. Courtney. “Toward an inclusive digital health system for sexual and gender minorities in Canada.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 29, 379-384.
*Honorable mention in 2022 Yearbook of Medical Informatics DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1742536

Coleman, A. E. Radix, W. P. Bouman, G. R. Brown, A. L. C. de Vries, M. B. Deutsch, R. Ettner, L. Fraser, M. Goodman, J. Green, A. B. Hancock, T. W. Johnson, D. H. Karasic, G. A. Knudson, S. F. Leibowitz, H. F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg, S. J. Monstrey, J. Motmans, L. Nahata, T. O. Nieder, S. L. Reisner, C. Richards, L. S. Schechter, V. Tangpricha, A. C. Tishelman, M. A. A. Van Trotsenburg, S. Winter, K. Ducheny, N. J. Adams, T. M. Adrián, L. R. Allen, D. Azul, H. Bagga, K. Başar, D. S. Bathory, J. J. Belinky, D. R. Berg, J. U. Berli, R. O. Bluebond-Langner, M.-B. Bouman, M. L. Bowers, P. J. Brassard, J. Byrne, L. Capitán, C. J. Cargill, J. M. Carswell, S. C. Chang, G. Chelvakumar, T. Corneil, K. B. Dalke, G. De Cuypere, E. de Vries, M. Den Heijer, A. H Devor, C. Dhejne, A. D’Marco, E. K. Edmiston, L. Edwards-Leeper, R. Ehrbar, D. Ehrensaft, J. Eisfeld, E. Elaut, L. Erickson-Schroth, J. L. Feldman, A. D. Fisher, M. M. Garcia, L. Gijs, S. E. Green, B. P. Hall, T. L. D. Hardy, M. S. Irwig, L. A. Jacobs, A. C. Janssen, K. Johnson, D. T. Klink, B. P. C. Kreukels, L. E. Kuper, E. J. Kvach, M. A. Malouf, R. Massey, T. Mazur, C. McLachlan, S. D. Morrison, S. W. Mosser, P. M. Neira, U. Nygren, J. M. Oates, J. Obedin-Maliver, G. Pagkalos, J. Patton, N. Phanuphak, K. Rachlin, T. Reed, G. N. Rider, J. Ristori, S. Robbins-Cherry, S. A. Roberts, K. A. Rodriguez-Wallberg, S. M. Rosenthal, K. Sabir, J. D. Safer, A. I. Scheim, L. J. Seal, T. J. Sehoole, K. Spencer, C. St. Amand, T. D. Steensma, J. F. Strang, G. B. Taylor, K. Tilleman, G. G. T’Sjoen, L. N. Vala, N. M. Van Mello, J. F. Veale, J. A. Vencill, B. Vincent, L. M. Wesp, M. A. West & J. Arcelus. “Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People.” Version 8, International Journal of Transgender Health, 23:sup1, S1-S259,

Lily Durwood, Katherine Kuvalanka, Shira Kahn-Samuelson, Ashley E. Jordan, Jennifer D. Rubin, Pauline Schnelzer, Aaron H. Devor, Kristina R. Olson, “Retransitioning: The Experiences of Youth who Socially Transition Genders More than Once,” International Journal of Transgender Health

Kai Jacobsen, Aaron Devor, “Moving From Gender Dysphoria to Gender Joy: Trans Experiences of Gender EuphoriaBulletin of Applied Transgender Studies.

Kristina R. Olson, Lily Durwood, Rachel Horton, Natalie M. Gallagher, Aaron Devor, Gender Identity 5 Years After Social Transition (2022), Pediatrics.

Jaimie F. Veale, Madeline B. Deutsch, Aaron H Devor, Laura E. Kuper, Joz Motmans, Asa E. Radix, Colt St. Amand, Colt St. “Setting a research agenda in trans health: An expert assessment of priorities and issues by trans and nonbinary researchers.” International Journal of Transgender Health. 



Annie Pullen Sansfaçon, Zack Marshall, Jake Pyne, matthew heinz, Aaron Devor, and Greta Bauer. “Développer un code d’éthique en matière de recherche concernant les personnes et les communautés transgenres” (2021). In Pullen Sansfaçon A. and Medico, D. Jeunes trans et non binaires: de l’accompagnement a l’affirmation (pp. 78-87). Éditions Remue-ménage.

Erickson, Reed” (2021). In A. Goldberg, & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (Vol. 1, pp. 239-239). SAGE.

Prince, Virginia” (2021). In A. Goldberg, & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (Vol. 2, pp. 647-648). SAGE.

Benjamin, Harry” (2021). In A. Goldberg, & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (Vol. 1, pp. 76-76). SAGE.

Marcy Antonio, Francis Lau, Kelly Davison, Aaron Devor, Roz Queen, Karen Courtney (2021). “Toward an inclusive digital health system for sexual and gender minorities in Canada.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocab183,

Kai Jacobsen, Aaron Devor, and Edwin Hodge (2021). “Who Counts as Trans? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Trans Tumblr Posts.” Journal of Communication Inquiry, 0(0), 1-22.

Report to BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “Trans+ Employment in BC: A Report to the BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction” (2021).



“Foreword.” In Rob Sanders, The Fighting Infantryman, New York: Little Bee Books.

Francis Lau, Marcy Antonio, Kelly Davison, Roz Queen, Aaron Devor (2020). “A rapid review of gender, sex, and sexual orientation documentation in electronic health records.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocaa158.

Mindy Goldman, Terrie Butler-Foster, Don Lapierre, Sheila F. O’Brien, and Aaron Devor (2020). “Trans people and blood donation.” TRANSFUSION, Vol. 60 (May), 1084-1092.

Report to BC Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, “Poverty Reduction in Trans, Non-Binary, and Two-Spirit Communities: A Summary Report for the British Columbia Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.”

Devor, A, Radmacher, M., Seaman, D. Research discovery tool and data base in Tableau format at 



Bauer, G., Devor, A., heinz, m., Marshall, Z., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Pyne, J, for the CPATH Research Committee. CPATH Ethical Guidelines for Research Involving Transgender People & Communities. Canada: Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health.

Tonia Poteat, Katherine Rachlin, Sean Lare, Aron Janssen & Aaron Devor. “History and Prevalence of Gender Dysphoria.” In Leonid Poretsky & Wylie Hembree (eds.). Transgender Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Cham (p. 1-24), Switzerland: Humana.

Foreword.” In Richard Adler, Sandy Hirsch & Jack Pickering (eds.), Voice and Communication Therapy for the Transgender/Transsexual Client: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition (ix-x), San Diego:  Plural Publishing.

The Transgender Archives.” In Ardel Haefele-Thomas & Thatcher Combs (eds.), Introduction to Transgender Studies (p. 446-452), New York: Harrington Park Press.



Foreword.” In Christine Burns (Ed.) Trans Britain: Our Journey from the Shadows (p. xii-xvii) London: Unbound.

E. Coleman, W. Bockting, M. Botzer, P. Cohen-Kettenis, G. De Cuypere, J. Feldman, L. Fraser, J. Green, G. Knudson, W. J. Meyer, S. Monstrey, R. K. Adler, G. R. Brown, A. H. Devor, R. Ehrbar, R. Ettner, E. Eyler, R. Garofalo, D. H. Karasic, A. I. Lev, G. Mayer, H. Meyer-Bahlburg, B. P. Hall, F. Pfäfflin, K. Rachlin, B. Robinson, L. S. Schechter, V. Tangpricha, M. van Trotsenburg, A. Vitale, S. Winter, S. Whittle, K. R. Wylie & K. Zucker (2018) Normas de Atención para la salud de personas trans y con variabilidad de género, International Journal of Transgenderism, 19:3, 287-354.

Aaron Devor & Lara Wilson, “El Rastro de la Historia Transgénero. El Archivo Transgénero.” In Lius Hernández Olivera & Lluis Esteve Caellas I Serra (Eds.) Memoria y Deseo. Sexo y Género en el Archivo [Memory and Desire: Sex and Gender in the Archives] (p. 45-63) Salamanca, Spain: Asociación de Archiveros de Castilla y Leon.



Seth Pardo & Aaron Devor, “Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Identity Development” In Kevin L. Nadal (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (p. 1689-1692).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.



Transgender People and Jewish Law.” in Gerhard Schreiber (ed.), Transsexualität in Theologie und Neurowissenschaften. Ergebnisse, Kontroversen, Perspektiven [Transsexuality in Theology and Neuroscience: Findings, Controversies, and Perspectives] (p. 387-406), Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter.

Gender Diversity: Trans, Transgender, Transsexual, and Genderqueer People.” In George Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition. Wiley, Oxford



Aaron Devor and Lara Wilson, “Archivist Voice.” In Amy Stone and Jaime Cantrell (Eds.), Out of the Closet, Into the Archives: Researching Sexual Histories (p. 255-267). Albany: SUNY Press.

Aaron Devor and Kimi Dominic. “Trans* Sexualities.” In John DeLamater and Rebecca F. Plante (Eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities (p. 181-199). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Trans* Bodies.” In Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin (Eds.), , The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, First Edition (p. 1382-1385). Malden, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.

A. Devor, L. Wilson. “360°Analysis and Discussion in the Round: Radical Archives.” Archive Journal, 5.

“Eric’s Ego Trip.” Museum of Transgender Hirstory & Art. Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects: Legends & Mythologies. Catalogue Description.



Preserving the Footprints of Transgender Activism: The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria.” QED: A Journal of LGBTQ Worldmaking, 1(2), 200-204.

Transgender.” “Phalloplasty / Metiodioplasty.” “Packing.” In Michael Kimmel, Christine Milrod, and Amanda Kennedy (Eds.), Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis (p. 221-223). (p. 155-156). (p. 135). London: Lowman & Littlefield.

Family Man.” In Zander Keig and Mitch Kellaway (Eds.), Manning Up: Transsexual Men on Finding Brotherhood, Family & Themselves (p. 75-84). Stanislaus, CA: Transgress Press.

Foreword.” In Dan Irving & Rupert Raj (Eds.), Trans Activism in Canada: A Reader (p.3-4). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.



 E. Coleman, W. Bockting, M. Botzer, P. Cohen-Kettenis, G. DeCuypere, J. Feldman, L. Fraser, J. Green, G. Knudson, W. J. Meyer, S. Monstrey, R. K. Adler, G. R. Brown, A. H. Devor, R. Ehrbar, R. Ettner, E. Eyler, R. Garofalo, D. H. Karasic, A. I. Lev, G. Mayer, H. Meyer-Bahlburg, B. P. Hall, F. Pfaefflin, K. Rachlin, B. Robinson, L. S. Schechter, V. Tangpricha, M. van Trotsenburg, A. Vitale, S. Winter, S. Whittle, K. R. Wylie & K. Zucker. “Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, Version 7.” International Journal of Transgenderism, 13 (4), 165-232.



Narrow Bridge.” In Noach Dzmura (Ed.), Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community (p. 93-97). Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

Learned Along the Way.” In Megan Rohrer & Zander Keig (Eds.), Letters to My Brothers: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect (p. 46-59). San Francisco, CA: Wilgefortis



Matte, N., Devor, A. H, & Vladicka, T. “Nomenclature in the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care.” International Journal of Transgenderism, 12(1), 42-52.



Devor, A.H. & Matte, N. “Building a Better World for Transpeople: Reed Erickson and the Erickson Educational Foundation.” International Journal of Transgenderism, 10(1), 47-68.



Witnessing and Mirroring: A Fourteen-Stage Model of Transsexual Identity Formation.” Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 8 (1/2), 41-67.

Devor, A. H, & Matte, N. “ONE Inc. and Reed Erickson: The Uneasy Collaboration of Gay and Trans Activism, 1964-2003.GLQ: A Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies, 10(2), 179-209.

Foreword.” In Jamison Green, Becoming a Visible Man. Nashville: Vanderbuilt University Press.



Erickson Educational Foundation.” In The Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Tipton, Billy.” In The Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.



W. Meyer III, W. Bockting, P. Cohen-Kettenis, E. Coleman, D. DiCeglie, H. Devor, L. Gooren, J. Joris Hage, S. Kirk, B. Kuiper, D. Laub, A. Lawrence, Y. Menard, J. Patton, L. Schaefer, A. Webb, C. Wheeler. “The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders” (Sixth Version). Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 13(1), 1-30.

Reed Erickson (1912-1992): How One Transsexed Man Supported ONE.” In Vern Bullough (Ed.), Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context (p. 383-392), New York: Haworth.

Who are ‘We’? Where Sexual Orientation Meets Gender Identity. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 6 (2), 5-21.

“Human Sexuality” and “Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality” and “Social Justice: Lesbian, Gay Bi, Trans, Queer?” In Paula Rust (Ed.), The Sociology of Sexuality and Sexual Orientation (2nd Ed.). Washington DC: American Sociological Association.



Meyer III, W. (Chairperson), Bockting, W., Cohen-Kettenis, P., Coleman, E., DiCeglie, D., Devor, H. , Gooren, L., Joris Hage, J., Kirk, S., Kuiper, B., Laub, D., Lawrence, A., Menard, Y., Patton, J., Schaefer, L., Webb, A., & Wheeler, C. “The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders — Sixth Version”. International Journal of Transgenderism 5 (1).



Female Gender Dysphoria: Personal Problem or Social Problem?” Annual Review of Sex Research , 7, 44-89.

How I Became a Sexologist.” In Bonnie Bullough, Vern Bullough, Marilyn Fithian, William Hartman & Randy Klein (Eds.), How I Got Into Sex (p. 87-95). Amherst, NY: Prometheus.

More Than Manly Women: How Female-to-Male Transsexuals Reject Lesbian Identities.” in Bonnie & Vern Bullough & James Elais (Eds.), Gender Blending (p. 87-102). Amherst, NY: Prometheus.

Devor, H., Kendel, M., & Strapko, N. “Feminist and Lesbian Opinions About Transsexuals.” in Bonnie & Vern Bullough & James Elias (Eds.), Gender Blending (p. 146-157). Amherst, NY: Prometheus.



Transsexualism, Dissociation, and Child Abuse: An Initial Discussion Based on Nonclinical Data.” Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 6(3), 49-72.

Toward a Taxonomy of Gendered Sexuality.” Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 6(1), 23-55.



Sexual Orientation Identities, Attractions and Practices of Female-to-Male Transsexuals.” Journal of Sex Research, 30, 303-315.



Teaching Women’s Studies to Convicted Sex Offenders.” The Yearbook of Correctional Education, 1, 129-154.



Teaching Women’s Studies to Male Inmates.” Women’s Studies International Forum, 11, 235-244.



Gender Blending Females: Women and Sometimes Men.” American Behavioral Scientist, 31, 12-40.


Other Publications/Reports

(2018) Recommendations for comprehensive revisions to BC Corrections policy on trans inmates.
(2018) “Introduction.” University of Victoria Legacy Art Gallery. Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects: The University of Victoria Transgender Archives Meets the Museum of Transgender Hirstory of Art (MOTHA) Catalogue.
(2015) “Eric’s Ego Trip.” Museum of Transgender Hirstory & Art. Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects: Legends & Mythologies Catalogue Description.



Reed Erickson and The Erickson Educational Foundation 

How Many Sexes? How Many Genders? When Two Are Not Enough